February 7 @ 10:00 am - February 9 @ 4:00 pm

The Octagon House Museum will be open for self guided tours. Come in from the cold to hear about the family who called the Octagon House their home for just over 100 years and learn about local Hudson history.
Self-guided tours!
Kids activities!
Warm up with a hot beverage!
Tours are $15/Adult, $12/Senior, Military, AAA & Mambers, $8 K-12 Student or $40 for families of 4 or more. Tickets are available on the Museum’s website.
Stop by the History Shoppe in the Carriage House to find unique gift items. Visit us on Facebook or www.HudsonOctagonHouse.org to learn more.
Sponsored by Guinn, Vinopal & Zahradka, LLP.
(No restrooms available.)